Sunday, November 1, 2009


"We never get comfortable with people who don't have any visible flaws", The book I've been reading declared.

Funny observation. We always think the reason we hangout with certain people are their "qualities", but what makes us associate ourselves with them are really their flaws. We may not realize this, but this is what happens at subconcious level. The moment we meet someone, we keep them under the radar, scanning for their qualities and weaknesses. We don't really make a connection unless we find atleast a weakness in them.

That explains the concept of love easily. No matter what we say the reason we love someone is their attractiveness, sense of humor, caring, blah blah blah, cliché cliché cliché, deep-down, the real reason why we really love someone is not their qualities, but their weaknesses. The little imperfections in our personality are what makes us endearing to someone over the time. They keep us stay in love, and these are the things we miss about someone when we say we miss them.

Weaknesses are what makes us, should I say "Human" ?


"For them Lonesomeness is the plight of the sick ones.
For me, its the flight from the sick ones" - Friedrich Nietzsche

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