Friday, January 28, 2011

Hit and Run

You know, You kind of know it all along, but the moment the epiphany hits you that you're just one of the many, I mean, what ever the feeling you experienced, it had already been experienced by billions of people before, what ever makes you feel good, made billions feel good before, what ever made you cry, made billions cry before.

That you are just one of the several billion other people in the universe.

That moment of self-realization (excuse the pun here), That sucks.

In a way, God hates us all.

1 comment:

  1. Not just that ... our universe could be one of millions ... indeed, we are tiny experimental specimens in His eyes



"For them Lonesomeness is the plight of the sick ones.
For me, its the flight from the sick ones" - Friedrich Nietzsche

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